Friday, February 19, 2010

Servery Samurai Competition

The first annual Rice University Servery Samurai competition is tonight and I am nervous and excited for the three chefs. It will be filmed by RTV5 with a student audience. Basically, it is our version of Iron Chef on The Food Network. I want to thank all of the students involved with putting the competition together and Chef Roger (CEC, ACE) for the mystery basket and guidelines.

The competition is themed around a nutritionally balanced menu that the chefs will have to come up with on the spot when they see the ingredients in the mystery basket. The mystery basket style of competition is considered to be one of the most formidable challenges sanctioned by the likes of the ACF. When it is all said and done, a new Shogun will be crowned and hold the honor for one year.

Chef Derrix AKA the West Warrior, Chef Kyle (CEC) AKA the South Slicer, and Chef Ed (CCC) AKA the North Ninja will be representing their individual serveries for the title. Good luck to all of you and most importantly, have fun!

News release from the Rice Thresher


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